Life is not all about make-up, hair, and clothes when you’re a young woman on a mission. You have places to go, friends to meet, and goals to accomplish. Life is full of mysteries, so, where do you go to get answers about your body, and monthly cycle? What about relationships, and friendships? Do you find yourself confused about dating? How do you know you’re ready to become serious?
Speaking of being ready, what about your reproductive health? How do contraceptives work, and which kind is the best for you? You’re too busy reaching for the stars to become a teen mother or to become infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Would you like to call and make an appointment with a caring and understanding healthcare provider? If so, call Community Health Connection at 918.622.0641. Clicking on a few links is a good place to start, but nothing beats talking to a professional about your reproductive health.

Talking to your parents about sex
Involving your parents takes courage and maturity, but when it comes to advice, no one wants to see you succeed more. Find helpful hints on how to talk to your parents here.
This is You Period….in 2 minutes
It may not always be glamorous, but your body certainly is miraculous. The shifting hormones and physical changes can leave you downright cranky, and dare we say, a little scary. Want to know the reasons why in the amount of time it takes to wax your brows? Watch the video!

Here’s The Scoop On:

STD: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Individuals in a same sex relationship still need to follow safe sex practices. Remember, barrier contraceptives and abstinence are the only types of birth control that stops the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Teen Dating Violence
Teen Dating Violence is a growing problem today, and female teens have a higher rate of becoming an abuse victim, then her male counterpart. Learn the facts at
Be healthy. Be happy. Be in Charge!
Teen dating abuse statistics
Teen Trivia: Sexual Health
Want to test your knowledge on Sexual Health? I hope you brought you’re ‘A’ game! Topics covered include consent, reproductive health, contraceptives, relationships, and sexually transmitted diseases. Take the quiz!

Love is Respect: LGBTQ Abusive Relationships
Love is Respect: Get Help for Someone Else
Love is Respect: Get Help for Yourself
Teen Dating Abuse Statistics
Click the pic for more teen dating info.
Funding for this webpage was made possible by the Office of Population Affairs (Grant PA-FPH-16-036). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.