Community Health Connection leadership includes the Board of Directors. At least 51% of the board members at any given time must be patients of our clinic. This helps us stay in touch with the needs and preferences of our consumers.

The Board of Directors has monthly meetings that are open to the public.


Board of Directors

  • Kevin Reid, Chairman of the Board

  • Jordan Mazariegos, Treasurer

  • Dr. James Cornwell

  • Brenda Porter

  • Edith Gomez

  • Robert “Bob” Williams

  • Lourdes Arroyo

  • Karla Cornwell

  • Fernando Guillen

  • Sandra Gomez

  • Olgaby Martinez

  • Yadira Fragoso

  • Dr. Terri Reed

Becoming A Board Member

We need talented volunteers to be on our board and contribute your time to the direction of our clinic. You can email if you are interested in becoming a board member. A board member will respond to you with information about our Board’s current needs.

Board of Directors Orientation Packet Information about what it means to be a board member at Community Health Connection


Please email completed application to or fax to 918.442.2011

Community Health Connection Board Committee Descriptions

All Directors of CHC shall serve on at least one standing committee. Committee chairs will be appointed for one (1) year terms at the Annual Meeting and will be responsible to appoint members, submit minutes, and report back to the Board. The Chairman will appoint any Committee chair vacancies. Fifty percent (50%) of the voting committee members shall constitute a quorum. Minutes shall be taken by the committee chair or their designee and a copy of the approved minutes shall be provided to the Secretary for inclusion in the board book.

General Board Meeting
4th Thursday of the month from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Kendall-Whittier Location (3rd & Lewis). Open to the public.

Executive Committee
3rd Wednesday of the month from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Board officers, the CEO, and the outgoing Board Chair. The Chairman may appoint one (1) additional voting member from the Board at large with care to follow any requirements set by the Open Meetings Act. Any non-directors present will not have voting rights at the Executive Committee. Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the Board Chairman. The Executive Committee will meet for the following reasons:

  • Transact routine and ordinary business between meetings of the full Board, and report on any action taken at the next meeting of the full Board
  • Discuss, review, and establish any personnel issues including:
    • perform an annual review of the CEO that is to be reported to the Board and so noted in Board meeting minutes;
    • interview candidates for the position of CEO and recommend selection to the full Board;
    • establish and review changes in wage and salary scale, job description, job qualifications and benefits for CEO; and
    • review and recommend changes to the Polices & Procedures Manual.
  • Review and coordinate strategic planning incorporating the entire Board.

Finance Committee
4th Wednesday of the month from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Will be chaired by the Treasurer who shall appoint at least two (2) other voting members from the directors at large or non-directors. Finance Committee meetings shall be called by the Treasurer and held monthly. The Finance Committee will meet for the following reasons:

  • Review monthly financial reports to determine levels of spending both federal and non-federal, and report findings to the Board.
  • Select independent auditing firm to conduct annual audits and provide financial counsel.
  • Review outside independent financial audits and recommend actions to assure resolution of questionable items in the audit report.
  • Oversee the preparation of an annual budget and recommend to the Board for approval.
  • Review and recommend adoption and/or changes to the Financial Policies or Procedures.

Board Development Committee
2nd Tuesday of odd months from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

The Chairman of the Board Development Committee shall be elected by the Board, the Chairman may appoint up to four (4) other members from the directors at large or non-directors and may call meetings as necessary. The Board Development Committee will meet for the following reasons:

  • Recruit CHC Board Members to ensure by-law compliance and diverse representation.
  • Monitor Board relations, training and engagement.

Quality Assurance Committee
2nd Wednesday of the month from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

This committee will be composed in compliance with CHC’s QM-102 Policy. The Quality Assurance Committee meetings shall be held at least 10 times per calendar year and called and Chaired by the Quality Improvement Team Leader. The Quality Assurance Committee will meet for the following reasons:

  • Development and implementation of Continuous Quality Improvement Plan.
  • Monitor and evaluate the quality and appropriateness of clinical care provided.
  • Refer any problems identified to appropriate Management staff for resolution.

Advocacy Committee
Meets as needed

The Chairman of the Advocacy Committee shall be elected by the Board, the Chairman may appoint up to four (4) other members from the directors at large or non-directors and may call meetings as necessary. The Advocacy Committee will meet for the following reasons:

  • Monitor the success of public relations and marketing efforts.
  • Ensure CHC’s presence in legislative and decision making settings.
  • Monitor applicable laws and changes in law with a potential impact on CHC.

Personnel Committee
Meets as needed

Shall consist of three (3) Board members appointed by the Chairman, the CEO and the Human Resources Manager, and will meet as needed for the following reasons:

  • Establish across-the-board compensation adjustments.
  • Employee satisfaction survey review.
  • Grievances as stated in Personnel Policy.
  • Review and recommend adoption and/or changes to Personnel Policies and Procedures
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