For The Ladies

Life is not all about make-up, hair, and clothes when you’re a young woman on a mission. You have places to go, friends to meet, and goals to accomplish. Life is full of mysteries, so, where do you go to get answers about your body, and monthly cycle? What about relationships, and friendships? Do you…


Maturing through your teenage years is an adventure, but what happens when you find yourself questioning your sexual orientation, or you have conflicting feelings about your gender identity. Studies indicate individuals within the LGBTQ youth community face several life altering hurdles including: surviving family rejection, peer harassment, heightened HIV and STD risks, and increased rates…

Friendship, Dating, & Teen Violence

Communication, Pregnancy, STDs, Consent, Dating, Abstinence, Sex Friendships, Birth control, Parents, Violence, and Education. Answers, all packaged into one place. Visit Understanding Teen Dating Violence Define, educate, prevent, and protect; four of the most important teen dating buzz words needed to end the violence. Become empowered, learn about teen dating violence and strategies for…

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STDs 101 A sexually transmitted disease infects your body when you come in contact with specific types of bacteria, viruses, or parasites. The infection is spread from person to person through unprotected sexual contact and other risky behaviors, such as: Anal, oral, or vaginal sex. Sharing sex toys Sharing needles Skin-to-skin touching (only applies to…

Pregnancy & Birth Control

Being a teen is an exciting time to explore your own identity and dream about your future. Only you can control your future and your decisions you make about sex and intimate partnerships. Choosing to avoid unintended pregnancies by responsibly choosing effective birth control methods or abstaining from sexual intercourse entirely will make reaching your…